Tag Archives: ideologies


I can not find a good sample of essential oils!  I don’t want to spend the money for the very good, edible quality, but I don’t want the cheap kind you rub all over your body until someone comes and licks it off.  Any one out there with suggestions would be welcomed!  Oils are essential.  The construction of awareness changes when we use elements of the earth or energy.  Anything really affects us more than we let on, even other people.  That’s why it’s always important to choose your friends wisely. Though we don’t like to be lonely: it is okay to be alone.  Not that I hermit in my room messaging hot lavender into my calf muscles until I’m suddenly no longer lonesome.  Ah my oily friend! No.  Rather remember to explore, initiate, and protect your experience because everything has a consequence.  Consequence are the experience from choices, action, or expulsion of energy that never really happened with in the world of being.  It’s only a cognitive recollection once the energy is secreted.  The amount of displacement can never be equal to the moment it was before, so in the mass of things: we are an entire experience walking in consequences all day long.  We can not go back in time, and tomorrow will never comes, And, today isn’t happening: it is the consequence of the past and the hope of the future immeasurable, fleeting, and passive.  What surprises me is how we can be so aware in the moment though the moment, in out minds as now, never really comes to fruition. We never quite get “there”.  Alanis Morisette’s song “Incomplete” organizes this politely, beautifully, and deliciously, and, perhaps a bit oily. Anyway I’mi in need of some essential oils with energy properties that “capture” the essence of their energy in that moment and let them affect me.  Again, I will not be home alone in my room cryptically doing everything and nothing. I promise to take my oils about and wickedly entice people to share in the experience if only for the “moment”.  But like everyone else, I’ll find myself alone at night behind my eye lids waiting for the mourning; always waiting.  Though, I will be laugh in my belly behind plastered lips, slacken limbs and vein seeing eyes for the “moment” in my mind that is mine as it is never anyone’s the same.  And as the memory slowly slips from my well oiled brain into the nightless night, I’ll forget to remember and forget to reminded myself to recall leaving only the echo residue of a charging, chanting chuckle headed for a hollow.Image

Like water wishes well to our bodies, it evaporates into the air, brushing our skin or flowing out our insides leaving residue of what was never water all along.  We bathe daily in the coils of energy created by our words and wishes, if never for a moment but for all eternity.  I hope the oil separates my watered down, negative residuals and drags this polluted hope to the bottom of my have full cup.  And, my cup with be ever full for the moment. Help me paint my pillow with oils that my sense may chase the echo with a bit of delight!

Side note:A storm is coming to the DFW area.  It’s in the moon tonight! Grab your children!